Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet
Colorful Wildflower Bouquet

Colorful Wildflower Bouquet

Regular price $88.00
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This bouquet is a show-stopper!! Bright shades of reds, pinks, blues, and yellows interspersed with dried flowers and greenery makes the perfect wildflwowery wedding bouquet!

Pictured bouquet is 10 inches in diameter.


**Sola Flowers**

*Sola flowers are hand-made from a soft wood (similar to balsa) and as such, each is unique! They feel similar to thick, spongy paper. You may see some bark spots or natural small holes - these are made by nature and are not pervasive.
*Sola flowers will last virtually forever! Keep a piece of your wedding (or re-purpose the flowers in new arrangements!)
*The flowers are very lightweight! Our heaviest bouquets weigh only a few pounds
*I can match colors to your wedding swatches - this works best if you provide a swatch for me to have in person - but I can do a close match from pictures as well. Message me to discuss customization!
*To keep your bouquet looking lovely, keep out of direct sunlight and out of high humidity areas. To clean your bouquet (if it gets dusty!), I use a can of compressed air - this easily removes dusty and debris without hurting the flowers. :)